540 N Main St. North Canton, OH
What is a filler??
I am sure many of you that change your color hear this word, and wonder what it means exactly! It is an extra cost, but only for your benefit. A filler replaces the missing pigment in your hair, in layman's terms, it puts red, blue, or yellow, sometimes other mixed colors such as ash, to make the dye molecules stay in your hair strand (hair shaft). THIS DOES NOT TURN YOUR HAIR BLUE, RED OR YELLOW as the final result.  When your hair has been altered you are adding more of one color than another, if not completely taking it out. For example, blonde has a lot of yellow (undertone). If you want to go a darker brown, you have to put red and a little bit of gold in it before the final color, depending on the actual tone of the color.. The process helps the hair color stay, instead of fading out quickly. Another kind of filler is a conditioning filler. This helps equalize the porosity of the hair for even color, in other words helps your hair be a solid color instead of different lines of demarcation on the hair. Before heading to your nearest drug store and picking out a box of color, head to your stylist. Yes, it does cost more than a box, but you are receiving an experienced colorist that will make your hair beautiful. Not to mention, hair color in a box is way more damaging than salon color.

Just Hair Styling Centre,
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